Mock Trials
Using AI

  • AI-Powered Jurors
  • Use On-Demand
  • Simulated Verdicts
  • Save Time and Money
  • Estimate Damages
  • Chat With AI Jurors
  • Analyze Juror Biases
  • Prepare For Voir Dire
  • Test Legal Strategies
  • Know How Jurors Feel
  • Available 24/7
  • Win More Cases
  • AI-Powered Jurors
  • Chat With AI Jurors
  • Save Time and Money
  • Simulated Verdicts
  • Voir Dire Prep
  • See Juror Biases
  • Available 24/7
  • Estimate Damages
  • Test Legal Strategies
  • Know How Jurors Feel

What We Do gives you around-the-clock access to a virtual mock jury powered by AI. Get simulated verdicts within minutes and chat with the AI jurors about their reasoning. Test legal strategies to see which have the best outcomes. Get reactions from jurors about the specifics of your case such as evidence, witnesses, and arguments. Our use of cutting-edge technology makes AI-powered mock trials significantly less expensive and much more flexible than those involving humans. Click Here to see a sample report.

Why Use AI?

Step into the future of pre-trial preparation:

  • With mock jurors available anytime from any device, you can use them to fine-tune your case as often as you want.
  • Because of the low cost, use mock trials on cases where normally it would not have been worth it.
  • Use the results to convince your clients to settle.
  • Impress your clients by completing mock trials in hours instead of weeks.
  • Attract more clients due to your use of state-of-the-art technology.

Our Technology

  • Powered By ChatGPT - We use the OpenAI API to give a personality and background to each virtual juror.
  • Runs In The Cloud - Nothing to download, nothing to install.
  • 100% Automated - Just upload the details of your case. No programming needed.
  • Prompt Engineering - To get the desired results from ChatGPT, we use complex prompting techniques such as chain-of-thought (CoT) and tree of thought(ToT).
  • AGI Methodology - We use programmatic concepts similar to AutoGPT, BabyAGI, and LangChain to combine Python routines with a large language model (LLM). allowing ChatGPT to "think" and accomplish tasks like a human would.

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